EPACS students spent last week focused on what it means to 'Get Fit & Eat Healthy'. Garden Club 1st and 2nd graders spent Friday celebrating the week's theme by working up a sweat harvesting gem-like spring potatoes and preparing a healthy Mediterranean soup using the fresh potatoes and lots of other veggies.
Students were fascinated by the way potatoes grow under the ground and by the different colors of the potatoes . Back in January, EPACS 3rd and 4th graders planted four varieties of 'seed potatoes', pieces of potatoes that each contain at least one 'eye'. Each eye has the ability to grow into a big bushy plant and produce lots of new potatoes.
Garden Club enjoyed the fruits of their labors by cooking up a quick & healthy Moroccan-Style Chickpea Soup using the new potatoes. The soup got two thumbs up all around!
Students enjoying their soup! |
A delicious and simple soup! From Cook's Illustrated 'The Quick Recipe'. Garden Club also added 3 cut up carrots!
In addition to providing lots of great fodder for lessons about plant parts & cooking lessons, potatoes provide great lessons about history, biodiversity, health & nutrition. 6th grade students learned about biodiversity with
this game from LifeLab, then discussed the value of having a diversity of plants, as well as a diversity within the plants that we cultivate in our school garden.
What other ideas or questions do you have?
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